From the blog

Each week, our team publishes a blog and webcast.

Jesse's: Webcast #12: When to Sell a Stock (16 minutes)

Jesse's: Webcast #11: RSP vs. TFSA (8 minutes)

Jesse's: Blog: Our Views on Diversification

Blog: Our Views on Diversification

Blog: Our Views on Diversification

On February 16, investor Charlie Munger answered investment-related questions for several hours. Munger and Warren Buffett have been business partners at Berkshire Hathaway for many decades. When asked about diversification, Munger said: I think the great lesson from the Munger’s is that you don’t need all this … diversification. You’re lucky if you’ve got four […]

Jesse's: Webcast #10: Diversification (8 minutes)

Jesse's: Webcast #9: Geopolitical Risk (5 minutes)

Jesse's: Webcast #8: Look Out Below (11 minutes)

Webcast #8: Look Out Below (11 minutes)

Webcast #8: Look Out Below (11 minutes)

We always avoid participating in the momentum-driven stock rallies. Momentum stocks are those that seem to perpetually appreciate each day as the herd piles in, buying more and more shares as the price goes up. In last week’s blog/podcast, we discussed several companies that over the years briefly surpassed the Royal Bank to command the […]

Jesse's: Webcast #7: Making Investing More Inclusive to Women – Part 2 (3 minutes)

Jesse's: Webcast #6: Making Investing More Inclusive to Women – Part 1 (2 minutes)

Jesse's: Blog: Making Investing More Inclusive to Women

Blog: Making Investing More Inclusive to Women

Blog: Making Investing More Inclusive to Women

Research that was recently commissioned by the BNY Mellon studied the attitudes and behaviours held by females about the topic of investing. Its findings hardly came as a surprise. There are ostensible barriers that prevent a higher level of investment participation from females. Reason #1: Lack of Confidence The research found that less than 10% […]

Jesse's: Webcast #5: The Curse of the TSX (11 minutes)

Webcast #5: The Curse of the TSX (11 minutes)

Webcast #5: The Curse of the TSX (11 minutes)

The Royal Bank of Canada, or RBC, is often considered the natural leader on the S&P/TSX Composite Index (“TSX”). Incorporated in 1869 just two years after Confederation, RBC has frequently commanded the top spot as the most valuable company on the TSX (this is also referred to as the largest market capitalization, which is calculated […]